Humanities Projects

The Only Kaiser We Want in The U.S. are the Rolls.

In this image I am trying to evoke prideful emotions in the citizens of America so that they feel further inclined to join a cause that they feel is helping a cause greater then themselves. Transfer uses symbols, quotes, or images to convey a message that might not be related to that actual idea. For example: if I were to portray an image of the red cross in Iraq helping the innocence it makes the cause of war seem more justified because it makes it look as if we are helping the cause rather than escalating the issue.  Techniques like these were very often used in this time period to make things such as drafting and war seem a justified action, with a moral conscious it would be much easier to go after an enemy you don’t necessarily have a resentment against. By getting people to enlist I mention the Kaiser from Germany and how we do not want the Kaiser leading the United States of America

This poster fits into the historical context by using an important figure in history, the statue of liberty.  . During this time, the Kaiser was feared because he had built up the German military machine and under the Tirpitz Plan, built a naval fleet to rival Great Britain. Therefore, by mentioning “The Kaiser” in my poster it should promote fear and get the people of the United States to enlist in the army. This poster very well matches the historical context because it uses transfer techniques, as mentioned in the first paragraph, to invoke a sense of liberty and pride for those who would not otherwise necessarily have a reason to go after general Kaiser.
My major conclusions on propaganda as a whole relate to the way that propaganda is portrayed in our society. Propaganda today is mostly based on how good you can make an item look. A lot of the time the things that people are telling you about the item to get you to buy or believe it isn’t even true. By making everything on the propaganda look so professional and realistic persuades people to buy into them and that is the main job of propaganda. Some people buy into everything they see which makes the creator of the advertisement have an easy job. Other people, the people who aren’t so easily persuaded make the job for a propaganda artist harder which is good and makes the items harder to believe or sell.  Some people that aren’t as influenced by propaganda are usually the people the people who think of spending your time reading and being brainwashed by these commercials as a waste of time. Also, a lot of the people that see this propaganda can resist and look past all of the advertisements unlike some individuals. Many times for a commercial they will use somebody beautiful to sell you make up and the artist of the propaganda ads will try to tell you that if you use their product, you too can be beautiful! By doing this they convince people very easily because of course everybody wants to be resplendent.  As another example, when proactive, an acne product, has a commercial on television they are always using different people for the before and after effect.  By doing this it makes it look like the product works because on one photo the person has a lot of acne but on the next, after they have used the product, there skin is perfect. Everybody in the world is influenced in some way by propaganda whether they know it or not, even if you are not one to pay attention to all the ads and commercials that go on in our lives there are still things that you buy into.

Propaganda Reflection

The purpose of this project was for we students to understand the meaning and use of propaganda.  For our poster we browsed through a lot of WW1 propaganda to be able to understand the difference in persuasions between the two different time periods, and also to get the idea of what kind of poster we had to make. As a class and on our own time we looked at different types of propaganda and analyzed them which helped understand the true meaning behind the picture and comprehend the message within the words.  Knowing how to analyze other posters helped being able to create ours and describe everything about it to help others understand it.

Most of the revisions I made in my analysis were the topic sentences to each paragraph to make it interesting and catchier to the people reading it. Also, I changed the order of some of the information in the paragraphs so that it was more organized and made more sense. Such as putting the information on the Kaiser in the historical context paragraph so that all of the historical information was in one place. Another revision I made in my analysis was to move all of the techniques used to the first paragraph so that they, also, were in the same location. I made these revisions to convey everything in a more organized fashion to be easier for the reader to understand. The most helpful critiques that I got back were mostly on all of the organization because sometimes I get too excited and try to put too much information in one spot and a lot of the time it isn’t in the right place. On my poster, after the critiques I got, I changed the wording by changing, “The Only Kaiser We Want in the U.S. are the Kaiser rolls.” to “The Only Kaiser We Want in the U.S. are the Rolls.” I made this revision because the first one is repetitive by mentioning “Kaiser” twice.

I feel pretty accomplished in this piece of work because we spent enough time on it for me to be able to go over it and change a lot of things with all the revisions we did. I enjoyed how we did a lot of critique sessions because that helps me understand everything I did wrong or anything my pieces of work need help with.  The one thing that I didn’t enjoy about this project would be all the work in Photo shop but I think skills in this area will come with time and that I just need to practice and my posters and projects will improve. Something I enjoyed about this project would be being able to see all of the different styles of propaganda within the two different time periods.

The main ideas and lessons I have taken from working on this project would be learning how to analyze propaganda and go past the picture and understand the words in more detail. Another skill I took away from this project was getting started with how to use Photo shop and learning the techniques of how to do get on track with that.

If I could change one thing about this project it would be to learn more about how to deal with Photo shop. Even though I might have learned the little skills about how to rotate and change color on the poster it didn’t completely help with how to blend the Kaiser roll into the background and I believe that this knowledge will come with time. I think that knowing how to do this would probably be some one on one time with a teacher who knows how to do this and if that isn’t possible I probably just need to mess around with it myself and learn the material.
